Nov 4, 2021

Stan Lee Revealed His Pick For Most Powerful Character In Marvel Universe

In a recent Q&A session on Twitter, a fan had asked Stan Lee who the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe is according to him.

He responded:

Stan Lee picked Galactus, and this seems to be a strong choice. Galactus is a cosmic being and has a history that dates back to a universe which had preceded the existence of the current 616. He can travel through space and even eat planets. But he is not the most powerful being.


This is a character which Lee had co-created with Steve Ditko, and the Eternity is much more powerful than Galactus. Eternity is the embodiment of time and is a conceptual being and even has the ability to alter time, reality and space.

Living Tribunal

There had been a time when Thanos was the most powerful beings, and he had single-handedly defeated every superhero in the Marvel Universe. But he did not mess with the Living Tribunal. Living Tribunal is the authority of the Marvel Universe and is omnipotent and charged with maintaining balance in Marvel’s multiverse. He has three faces, and these represent Vengeance, Equity, and Necessity. He had been used to represent the universe as a whole in Marvel vs. DC crossover.


The Beyonder’s inhuman and mutant powers make him a powerful being and like Galactus, Eternity, and Living Tribunal cannot stand up to him. The Beyonder has been the antagonist of one Marvel’s Secret Wars, and he had pitted good and evil against each other.


One-Above-All is the most powerful being in the Marvel universe and is also the most powerful being in the multiverse and gives Living Tribunal his orders.  If the Marvel Universe as we know it has a character that can be called a God, One-Above-All is the one.