The two brain wizards of MCU are again going to join hands in Avengers: Infinity War. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner will have a reunion. Although, if you imagine things to be back to normal, and Bruce will once again be Tony’s assistant, you are terribly wrong.
They haven’t been together after Avengers: Age of Ultron when their scientific experiments nearly wrecked the whole world. Agreed that Bruce was not appreciative of the way Tony used their work, which led to the ultimate battle between them, and also Bruce’s exit from planet Earth in the closing scenes of the movie.
There has been a lot of action since then. Tony battled Steve Rogers in Captain America: Civil War and Bruce was seen as an unbeaten space gladiator in Thor: Ragnarok. Sometime back, Mark Ruffalo elaborated on how those events set the tone for a vastly different bond between Tony and Bruce.
“Coming out of Thor 3, Banner has a life-changing experience in [the movie] that makes him much more expressive and not so internalized,”Ruffalo spoke about his character. You might recall that Bruce was generally aloof even in the company of other Avengers, and he used to let Tony Stark dominate him. That ain’t happening anymore, pal.
While the situation is not the same anymore between them, they will still join hands in Infinity War. The film’s trailer showed Bruce coming back from space in a very unusual way: he was smashed on to the planet right through the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City.
In case, that’s not enough enticement, Ruffalo also told fans that Bruce and Tony are certainly going to work in tandem right through Avengers: Infinity War.
“Oh yeah, there’s great Science Bros. stuff in there, yes,” Ruffalo said. “There’s good Science Bros. stuff, too. We’re paired up again.”
Avengers: Infinity War will release on April 27.