Nov 4, 2021

These Cute Quadruplets’ Star Wars Photo Shoot Will Make You Go Awwww

A set of quadruplets from Arizona were dressed as “Star Wars” characters for a newborn photo shoot this month. Emery as Leia, Damon, Gideon and Theo Szafranski were dressed as Yoda, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker respectively. Lizzy McMillan from Momento Studios captured the heartwarming images.

The babies were then dressed as the Star Wars villains, with Emery as Darth Vader and her brothers as stormtroopers as their dad Phil Szafranski is a fan of the evil Empire.

Kylie, the babies’ mother came up with the idea for the shoot and McMillan tracked down all outfits and props to fit the little ones. The little lightsabers, masks and nearly all the costumes were sourced at a Build-A-Bear store while the wig for Emery’s Leia costume was custom made by Aubrey’s Felties and the Yoda knit cap was was made by Mary Kriss Photography, according to McMillan.

The photo shoot was a homecoming celebration for the babies who were born premature in March and had to spend 12 weeks in the NICU at HonorHealth hospital in Scottsdale before coming home in May.

The “Star Wars” pictures were such a big hit online that Disney even featured one of the shots on its Facebook page this month, with the caption: “The cute is strong with these quadruplets.”

The family have their own Facebook and Instagram pages where they keep     updating the daily lives of the babies and their 3-year-old sister River.

The family recently celebrated its first Christmas as a seven-piece unit as seen in the picture below.

“Never too late to share the gifts we got this year,” the caption for that photo reads. May the Force be with them all.