Nov 4, 2021


While growing up, we had the options of being either a Super Nintendo kid or someone who sided with Sega Genesis. So which side were you on, in case you grew up amidst the great console battles of the early 90s? The thing is, there was way too much of fierce competition, and we are more than willing to redo that battle with the brand new Sega Genesis Classics Collection, comprising of 50 games from the good old times to both the PS4 as well as Xbox One.

It has been announced by Sega Europe that 50 Mega Drive retro games which include popular games such as various Sonic and Golden Axe versions and Toe Jam & Earl. This is going to be a superb Sega Classic collection featuring “arcade action, shooters, beat’m ups, puzzlers, old favorites, and hidden gems.” Despite the games being old, they are reintroduced with a number of modern features such as “online multiplayer, achievements, mirror modes, rewind, and save states.”

The game’s physical copy will contain a double-sided Golden Axe and Streets of Rage poster, just the kind that you would have spotted in the 90s theme bedroom featured in the game’s promotional video. However, we caution you against being upset if you don’t like buying hard copies because the game will have a digital release as well and Steam users will get an opportunity to “also be treated to The Treasures of King Nole in the form of a huge free update to the feature set.

The digital and physical copies of the game come out on May 29,  and you can go through the list of the entire 50 games below. If you need further information, you can visit the game’s official website.

For now, we will try to suppress our delight at this news. Not that we are not excited, but, because it was impossible to survive on Sega streets if rage is not your thing. It is thrilling to even imagine the console wars of the 1990s.

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

Alien Soldier

Alien Storm

Altered Beast

Beyond Oasis

Bio-Hazard Battle

Bonanza Bros.


Columns III: Revenge of Columns

Comix Zone

Crack Down

Decap Attack

Dr.Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine

Dynamite Headdy

ESWAT: City Under Siege

Fatal Labyrinth


Gain Ground

Galaxy Force II

Golden Axe

Golden Axe II

Golden Axe III

Gunstar Heroes

Kid Chameleon


Light Crusader

Phantasy Star II

Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom

Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium


Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi

Shining Force

Shining Force II

Shining in the Darkness

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master

Sonic 3D Blast

Sonic Spinball

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Space Harrier II

Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage 2

Streets of Rage 3

Super Thunder Blade

Sword of Vermilion

The Revenge of Shinobi

ToeJam& Earl in Panic on Funkotron

ToeJam& Earl


VectorMan 2

Virtua Fighter 2

Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair

Wonder Boy in Monster World