Nov 4, 2021

Will Star Wars 9 See A Romantic Relationship Between Rey And Kylo Ren?

The latest topic of discussion is a typical romantic sequence in a Star Wars film, which was posed to Star Wars: The Last Jedi maker Rian Johnson. The way things are, we think that we have already seen what was the maximum possible. There is a large section of fans keen to see Rey and Kylo Ren develop a relationship in Star Wars Episode IX. Johnson believes that they already had it, in a way. At least to the extent, it is possible to see in this family-friendly saga.

We feel that Kylo Ren might be able to redeem himself in Star Wars 9, and Rey might unite with the Force. However, these are primarily kid-friendly movies, in essence. Therefore, we are unlikely to see stuff like a kiss of the kind that was shared by Han Solo and Princess Leia towards the end of Empire Strikes Back or even the pecks that Leia and her twin brother Luke shared in the first two movies.

The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson was at a panel to talk about The Last Jedi before its VOD and digital release. He gave his opinion about any prospects of an intimate scene in an upcoming Star Wars film. The latest version of The Last Jedi is releasing alongside the film’s home video release, and it has ignited talks about topics never even touched upon on the big screen. These topics include the special bond shared by Ben Solo and Rey.

However, you are in for a disappointment if you expect to see them indulge in any innovative activities. Do you recall the scene where they held hands? That was the limit as far as intimacy between the two is concerned, at least in the near future. Of course, you might still be able to find some exciting fan fiction somewhere in the far extremes of the internet. Johnson said.

“One of my favorite shots of the movie, is those two fingers touching. That’s the closest thing we’ll get to a sex scene in a Star Wars movie.”

The iconic Mark Hamill, who has played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, was sitting next to Johnson when he stated this. Known for his wit, Hamill wasted no time in chiming in on the topic.

“I didn’t even get that.”

In fact, he has received a lot more than that. If you recall the two incidents where he and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) kissed on screen in A New Hope, and Empire Strikes Back, but, that happened before it was revealed that they were playing siblings. Comic back to what Johnson said. The touch of fingers between Rey and Kylo was supposed to be a passionate sequence appropriate for what many people call kids’ sci-fi fantasy movie. Then there was the shirtless Kylo scene which excited a lot of young hearts.

It is unusual for Star Wars to raise the topic of romance on screen, but, now that Game of Thrones showrunners Weiss and Beinhoff are going to create their own space in the galaxy with a fresh trilogy of films, it is speculated that they might create some racy stuff too. Still, we don’t want you to expect it. Agreed, they used sensuality in their successful HBO drama. However, Disney and Lucasfilm tread a different path.

Star Wars is not wary of grown-up topics and concepts. However, at its core, it remains a family franchise catering to all ages. Therefore, Han and Leia’s liplock was a stretch to its limits. We might see Han indulge in some romantic moments in Solo:  A Star Wars Story, but, it is not going to be anything beyond a feathery peck with Qi’Ra. In case, Rey and Kylo become a thing; it won’t be on the big screen. The news has been brought to you by Dork Side of the Force.