This year has been quite unusual for Dragon Ball fans. In two weeks from now, the franchise’s latest anime will end with Dragon Ball Super going off the air. The heart-breaking finale will finish Goku and Jiren’s final battle, but, Toei Animation is not exiting the franchise. The new Dragon Ball movie is scheduled to come out in December, and an initial look of the movie has been unveiled.
Recently, when the anime fandom came together after a so-called important image for Dragon Ball’s 20th movie was released. The poster (shared below), was released by Yonkou Productions the other day. The renowned leaker shared this visual after first revealing it via a surprise live stream, and fans are going crazy about it.
Honestly, you just need to have a look at the tweet images below. There is a lot being said on Twitter about the fascinating image.
As can be seen, the fans are interested in the art pattern of this important visual. Dragon Ball Super made the compelling 3D centric animation, a popular medium. This new image waters down that art and features a less dynamic, and colorful palette. You can see Goku in his bright orange Gi, and the flatter artwork reminds us of Dragon Ball Z.
Until now, Shueisha hasn’t commented on this poster, and no remarks have come from Toei Animation either. Fans are looking forward to fresh updates pertaining to the upcoming Dragon Ball film for quite some time, but, official news has been rare to come out. The anime’s crew told fans to stay around until the post-credits of the last Dragon Ball Super episode to see something “special.” This indicates that this image might be revealed officially after the airing of episode 131, or maybe Toei Animation has plans of coming out with a teaser trailer.
You can watch Dragon Ball Super on Crunchyroll Saturday evenings at 7:15 p.m. CST. Its English dub version is aired by Adult Swim during its Toonami block Saturday evenings at 9:30 p.m. Alternatively, you can also stream the anime on FunimationNOW and Amazon Video.