Nov 4, 2021

Did Luke Skywalker Actually Die In Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Mark Hamill Indicates A Comeback In Episode 9.

The ongoing trilogy will finish in 2019, and production for the last movie of the trilogy starts this summer.

We saw Skywalker valiantly die in peace towards the end of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and now Hamill has tweeted that he might just come back, although he could have been joking.

In response to a write-up regarding Sebastian Stan being his choice for the younger version of Luke, in case a spin-off was made in the future, Hamill wrote: “Who says I’m not a fan of Sebastian? I want someone to cast us as father & son!”

RELATED: Mark Hamill Mocks Fans Who Hate Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Someone replied: “but didn’t they just kill lukeskywalker?”, to which Hamill jokingly responded, “Only JJ knows for sure.”

J.J. Abrams will direct Episode IX after Colin Trevorrow was replaced by him last year.

Allegations surfaced a short while back about Trevorrow wanting to keep Skywalker going, whereas Abrams and Rian Johnson were of the opinion that he has to be wrapped up; creating the path for new generation characters like Finn, Rey, Poe, and Kylo Ren to take centre stage.

There is not much information available about the next film, but, Daisy Ridley was recently heard suggesting that it is not yet impossible for Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) to choose the right path.

During a Facebook Live video on Star Wars official page, she denied her optimism was coming in her way.

“I don’t think so because I think he [Kylo] is redeemable,” she insisted. “There is a moment where is redeemable.”

Mentioning the unexpected murder of Snoke (Andy Serkis), Ridley said:  “He does the right thing for a moment even though the right thing is a terrible thing in the grand scheme of things – to kill another person.

 “He does the right thing just then in order to help her – and I’m not saying what he does is right, but he does think what he’s doing is the right thing. He’s not like, ‘oh, I’m so evil.’”

 Star Wars Episode IX will release in 2019.